Новая версия популярной 16-ти битной игровой приставки Sega от компании
NewGame. В приставку встроено 252 игры. Так же возможно подключение
стандартных картриджей 16 бит.
- Консоль Сега,
- проводной джойстик 16 бит 2 шт.,
- кабель AV,
- блок питания Sega,
- 252 игры,
- инструкция
Список встроенных игр:
1. 668 Attack Sub
2. Addams Family
3. Aero Blasters
4. Aero the Acro-Bat
5. After Burner 2
6. Aladdin
7. Alien 3
8. Alien Storm
9. Animaniacs
10. Air Diver
11. Ariel Mermaid
12. Art Alive!
13. Asterix the Power
14. Back to Furtures 3
15. Bad Omen
16. Barbie Advent.
17. Bare Knuckle
18. Batman
19. Batman & Robin
20. Batman Returns
21. Battle Squadron
22. Battle Tech
23. Battletoads
24. Battletoads 2
25. Beauty and Beast 2
26. Belle"s Quest
27. Bimini Run
28. Block out
29. Blood shot
30. Bonkers
31. Boogerman and fick adve
32. Boxing Deal
33. Bubba n Stix
34. Bubsy 2
35. Bubble and Squeak
36. Bugs Bunny
37. Burning Force
38. Cadash
39. Caesars Palace
40. Camping Adventure
41. Cannon Fodder
42. Captain Planet
43. Castle of Illusion
44. Castlevania
45. Chakan The Forever Man
46. Championship Bowling
47. Championship Pool
48. Chase HQ2
49. Cheese Cat-Astrophe
50. Chessmaster
51. Clue
52. Columns 3
53. Comix Zone
54. Contra Hard Corps
55. Cool Spot
56. Crack Down
57. Cross Fire
58. Cutthroat Island
59. Cyborg Justice
60. Daffy Duck Hollyw.
61. Dark Castle
62. Davis Cup World
63. Decap Attack
64. Desert Demolition
65. Demolition Man
66. Desert Strike
67. Dick Tracy
68. Domino
69. Donald in Maui Mallard
70. Double Clutch
71. Double Dragon
72. Dracula
73. Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
74. Dune 2
75. Earthworm Jim
76. Ecco Jr.
77. Ecco
78. Elemental Master
79. Eswat
80. Ex-Ranza
81. Ex-Mutants
82. Exo Squad
83. Fantasia
84. Fantastic Dizzy
85. Fatal Rewind
86. Ferrari
87. Fifa 97
88. Fire Mustang
89. Fire Shark
90. Flicky
91. Flintstones
92. Gain Ground
93. Galaxy Force2
94. Gaudtlet 4
95. General Chaos
96. Ghost Busters
97. Ghouls'N Ghosts
98. Global Gladiators
99. Golden Axe
100. Golden Axe 3
101. Goofy's Hysterical Tour
102. Granada
103. Green Dog
104. Gretzky Wayne 1997
105. Grind Stormer
106. Gunstar Heroes
107. Hellfire
108. Hercules
109. Herzog Zwei
110. Home Alone
111. Indiana Jones
112. Insector X
113. Itchy and Scratchy
114. James Bond 007
115. Jewel Master
116. Joe and Mac
117. Junction
118. Jungle Book
119. Jungle Strike
120. Jurassic Park
121. Klax
122. Krusty's Super Funhouse
123. Lawnmower Man
124. Lion King
125. Lost Vikings
126. Lotus II
127. Mega Bomberman
128. Megapanel
129. Mickey"s Ult. Chal.
130. Micro Machines
131. Micro Machines 2
132. Midnight Resistance
133. Mighty Max
134. Monopoly
135. Moonwalker
136. Mortal Kombat
137. Mortal Kombat 3
138. Mr.Nuts
139. Ms. Pacman
140. Mutant Doom Troopers
141. Mutant League Hockey
142. NHL Hockey 93
143. Nigel Mansell"s
144. Olimpic Gold
145. Operation Europe Path
146. Ottifants
147. Pac-Attack
148. Pagemaster
149. Paperboy
150. Pink Hollywood
151. Pitfall The Mayan Adventure
152. Predator 2
153. Prince of Persia
154. Pro-Am Champions.
155. Puggsy
156. Putter Golf
157. Pyramid Magic
158. Quack Shot
159. Radical Rex
160. Rambo 3
161. Ren and Stimpy
162. Ristar
163. Road Blasters
164. Road Rash 2
165. Road Rash 3
166. Robocop 3
167. Robo Cop the Terminator
168. Rock'n Roll Racing
169. Rolling Thunder 2
170. Rolo to the Rescue
171. Second Samurai
172. SegGala
173. Shadow Dancer
174. Shadow of the Beast
175. Shinobi 3
176. Shove It!
177. Side Pocket
178. Simpsons Bart Mutants
179. Skeleton Krew
180. Smurfs
181. Snake Rattle
182. Snow Bros
183. Sonic & Knuckles
184. Sonic Spinball
185. Son