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Thomas & friends minis toy train 20 pack fgy79 fisher price томас та друзі набір...

1699 грн

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Набір 20 шт Паровозик Томас і Друзі Thomas & Friends Minis Fisher-Price

Цей набір з 20 моделей MINIS - ідеальний спосіб відкрити для себе світ
Thomas&Friends. Ваша дитина може збирати їх, брати участь у перегонах,
обмінюватися ними та використовувати свою уяву, щоб створювати дійсно
унікальні пригоди!

Характеристика та опис:

- Містить набір із 20 паровозиків
- Двигуни поїздів MINIS Томаса та його друзів можуть котитися будь-якою поверхнею
- Вік 3+

- Create exciting Thomas and Friends adventures at home or on the go with this multi-pack containing 20 miniature train engines
- More than 80 Thomas and Friends MINIS engines for kids to collect, featuring never-before-seen themes (Additional toys sold separately and subject to availability.)
- Thomas and Friends MINIS train engines can roll along any surface
- Collect additional Thomas and Friends MINIS push-along train engines, featuring different characters from the TV show (Each sold separately and subject to availability.)
- Encourages imagianative play and storytelling for preschool children ages 3 years and older

Product Description

​Thomas & Friends engines just got a MINIS makeover! With over 80 engines to
collect, Thomas & Friends MINIS from Fisher-Price completely reimagine the
Island of Sodor with never-before-seen themes! From "Spooky" monsters and
colorful "Animals", to hard-at-work "Construction" and intergalactic "Space"
engines, MINIS pint-sized engines showcase Thomas & Friends in a whole new
way! Of course, no collection is complete without your favorite characters in
their classic styles, which is why Thomas & Friends MINIS also include lots of
classic engines, too! This 20-Pack featuring a variety of MINIS styles is the
perfect way to discover the world of Thomas & Friends MINIS. Your child can
collect 'em, race 'em, trade 'em, and use their imaginations to create really
unique adventures for these Really Useful engines!

* * *

From the manufacturer


​The included MINIS engines are compatible with most Thomas & Friends MINIS
playsets (sold separately and subject to availability). The playset is
compatible with and can be used with other Thomas & Friends MINIS engines
(sold separately and subject to availability).


"With over 80 unique MINIS engines to collect, this 20 pack of Thomas &
Friends MINIS from Fisher-Price is the perfect way for your child to start a


​Thomas & Friends MINIS offer a variety of colors and textures that provide a
vivid sensory experience for your child, with plenty of visual and tactile
stimulation. In addition, grasping the engines, picking them up, and rolling
them along can help encourage eye-hand coordination and finger dexterity.
Finally, seeing typical characters with new and unique artwork can also
inspire imaginations as children create their own adventures for these cool
little engines.

​MINIS offer a variety of colors and textures that provide a vivid sensory
experience for your child, with plenty of visual and tactile stimulation. In
addition, grasping the engines, picking them up, and rolling them along can
encourage hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity. Finally, seeing familiar
characters with new and unique artwork can also inspire imaginations as
children create their own adventures for these cool little engines. ​

Состояние: Новое
  • Разноцветный
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