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Abel’s island by william steig

400 грн

распродажа до 08 Март

380 грн

Производитель: Другой производитель
Возраст: От 5-6 лет
Тип книг: Художественные

Abel’s Island by William Steig
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Genre:Children's Books
Winner of the Newbery Medal and Honor: a heartwarming tale of one mouse’s struggle to go home, by the author of Shrek!

Abel has been happily married to Amanda for over a year. He has a comfortable home, an allowance from his mother, and no reason to worry. But one summer afternoon, a sudden storm blows away Amanda’s scarf. Abel rushes after it – and is swept away by the wind.

When he finally comes to rest, he finds himself marooned on an uninhabited island. Ever resourceful, he is sure he will escape. He tries everything – bridges, boats, catapults, stepping stones – but gradually comes to realise that there is no way out…

As the winter draws in, the canny mouse must endure hunger, danger, and the ever-present threat of an owl with nasty intentions. And will he ever get home? Will he see his beloved Amanda once more?

Состояние: Очень хорошее
  • Разноцветный

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