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Шекспир. макбет. the new swan shakespeare. macbeth

150 грн

Виробник: Інший виробник
Тематика: Художня література

, 1977, 254 с. Состояние: новое The purpose of this book is to give and explain, in the simplest way, the text of one of Shakespeare's plays. The text itself is complete; notes and a glossary have been added to help the reader to understand the play. To get the greatest pleasure from it, he will need to learn something about the background of the play and the age in which it was written - and perhaps about Shakespeare himself, for example, or about drama as an art - but his first duty is to understand what the characters are saying and doing, and why they say and do these things. With this end in view, and to ensure that the help given will in fact simplify the difficulties which are now met with in reading Shakespeare, explanations have been given within the range of a specially chosen list of 3,000 most commonly used English root-words. Every word in which the book falls outside this list is explained.

Состояние: Новое
  • Разноцветный

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