Implement design patterns in .NET 6 using the latest versions of the C# and F#
languages. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of design
patterns as they are used in today’s developer toolbox. In addition to the
functional builder, asynchronous factory method, generic value adapter, and
composite proxies, this new edition introduces topics such as Decorator Cycle
Policies Functional Commands, a Transformer variation of the Visitor pattern,
and factories that can perform Object Tracking and Bulk Replacement. Using the
C# and F# programming languages, Design Patterns in .NET 6 explores the
classic design pattern implementations and discusses the applicability and
relevance of specific language features for implementing patterns. You will
learn by example, reviewing scenarios where patterns are applicable. Former C#
MVP and patterns expert Dmitri Nesteruk demonstrates possible implementations
of patterns, discusses alternatives and pattern relationships, and illustrates
the way that a dedicated refactoring tool (JetBrains Rider) can be used to
implement design patterns with ease.
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for Object-Oriented Software Design 3rd Edition , Dmitri Nesteruk Ви можете по