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Testing vue.js applications, edd yerburgh

799 грн


Testing Vue.js Applications

is a comprehensive guide to testing Vue components, methods, events, and
output. Author Edd Yerburgh, creator of the Vue testing utility, explains the
best testing practices in Vue along with an evergreen methodology that applies
to any web dev process.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub
formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

Web developers who use the Vue framework love its reliability, speed, small
footprint, and versatility. Vue's component-based approach and use of DOM
methods require you to adapt your app-testing practices. Learning Vue-specific
testing tools and strategies will ensure your apps run like they should.

About the Book


Testing Vue.js Applications

, you'll discover effective testing methods for Vue applications. You'll enjoy
author Edd Yerburgh's engaging style and fun real-world examples as you learn
to use the Jest framework to run tests for a Hacker News application built
with Vue, Vuex, and Vue Router. This comprehensive guide teaches the best
testing practices in Vue along with an evergreen methodology that applies to
any web dev process.

What's inside

Unit tests, snapshot tests, and end-to-end tests

Writing unit tests for Vue components

Writing tests for Vue mixins, Vuex, and Vue Router

Advanced testing techniques, like mocking

About the Reader

Written for Vue developers at any level.

About the Author

Edd Yerburgh

is a JavaScript developer and Vue core team member. He's the main author of
the Vue Test Utils library and is passionate about open source tooling for
testing component-based applications.

Table of Contents

Introduction to testing Vue applications

Creating your first test

Testing rendered component output

Testing component methods

Testing events

Understanding Vuex

Testing Vuex

Organizing tests with factory functions

Understanding Vue Router

Testing Vue Router

Testing mixins and filters

Writing snapshot tests

Testing server-side rendering

Writing end-to-end tests


A - Setting up your environment

B - Running the production build

C - Exercise answers

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