Nagios: System and Network Monitoring
shows how to configure and use Nagios, an open source system and network
monitoring tool. Nagios makes it possible to continuously monitor network
services (SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.), host resources (processor load,
disk and memory usage, running processes, log files, etc.), and environmental
factors (such as temperature). When Nagios detects a problem, it communicates
the information to the sys admin via email, pager, SMS, or other user-defined
method; current status information, historical logs, and reports can also be
accessed via a web browser.
Nagios System and Network Monitoring
covers the Nagios core, all standard Nagios plug-ins and selected third-party
plug-ins, and shows readers how to write their own plug-ins. The book covers
Nagios 2.0 and is backwards compatible with earlier versions.
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