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Open source soa, jeff davis

849 грн

You can build a world-class SOA infrastructure entirely using popular,
andmature, open-source applications. Unfortunately, the technical
documentationfor most open-source projects focuses on a specific product, the
big SOA picture.You're left to your own devices to figure out how to cobble
together a fullsolution from the various bits. In other words, unless you
already know howMule and Tuscany work with jBPM, you're stuck.

Open Source SOA

shows readers how to build an entire SOA application usingopen-source
technologies. It shows readers how to apply key ideas like EnterpriseService
Bus (ESB) design and Business Process Management (BPM) and learnthe tools and
techniques to implement them effectively.

To pull everything together, the author describes real-life case studies from
hisown work to tie together all the principles and practices. These hard-to-
find casestudies are pure gold for the reader, as most developers keep these
trade secretsto themselves.

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Состояние: Новое
  • Разноцветный

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