Git in Practice
is a collection of 66 tested techniques that will optimize the way you and
your team manage your development projects. The book begins with a brief
reminder of the core version control concepts you need when using Git and
moves on to the high-value features you may not have explored yet. Then,
you'll dig into cookbook-style techniques like history visualization, advanced
branching and rewriting history each presented in a problem-solution-
discussion format. Finally you'll work out how to use Git to its full
potential through configuration, team workflows, submodules and using GitHub
pull requests effectively.
About the Technology
Git is a source control system, but it's a lot more than just that. For teams
working in today's agile, continuous delivery environments, Git is a strategic
advantage. Built with a decentralized structure that's perfect for a
distributed team, Git manages branching, committing, complex merges, and task
switching with minimal ceremony so you can concentrate on your code.
About the Book
Git in Practice
is a collection of battle-tested techniques designed to optimize the way you
and your team manage development projects. After a brief overview of Git's
core features, this practical guide moves quickly to high-value topics like
history visualization, advanced branching and rewriting, optimized
configuration, team workflows, submodules, and how to use GitHub pull
requests. Written in an easy-to-follow Problem/Solution/Discussion format with
numerous diagrams and examples, it skips the theory and gets right to the
nitty-gritty tasks that will transform the way you work.
Written for developers familiar with version control and ready for the good
stuff in Git.
What's Inside
Team interaction strategies and techniques
Replacing bad habits with good practices
Juggling complex configurations
Rewriting history and disaster recovery
About the Author
Mike McQuaid
is a software engineer at GitHub. He's contributed to Qt and the Linux kernel,
and he maintains the Git-based Homebrew project.
Table of Contents
Local Git
Remote Git
Filesystem interactions
History visualization
Advanced branching
Rewriting history and disaster recovery
Personalizing Git
Vendoring dependencies as submodules
Working with Subversion
GitHub pull requests
Hosting a repository
Creating a clean history
Merging vs. rebasing
Recommended team workflows
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