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Місяць закликав 1 патрісія бріггс нью-йорк (2006,288 с.. роман про милосердя...

121 грн

Місяць закликав 1
Патрісія Бріггс
Нью-Йорк (2006,288 с..
Роман про милосердя Томпсона:
м'яка обкладинка)170х100 мм.
Мерседес Томпсон, він же Мерсі, - талановитий механік Volkswagen, який проживає в районі Три міст Вашингтона. Вона також буває ходункою, чарівна істота, яка має силу перетворюватися на койот за бажанням. Сусід Мерсі - перевертень. Її колишній начальник - гремлін. І вона виправляє автобус для вампіра. Це світ Мерсі Томпсон, такий, який виглядає дуже багато

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Mercedes Thompson’s day job is as a skilled mechanic and owner of her own garage. She also happens to be able to shift into a coyote and has a decent network of other supernatural beings. This network comes in handy when Mercy adopts a young, rogue werewolf and uncovers a plot to destroy the alpha of her local werewolf pack.

I started reading the Mercy Thompson series a bit backwards when I began with 2014’s Night Broken, the eighth book in the series. From there, I knew I loved the main character and was thrilled to find that she starts off just as strongly in Moon Called. Mercy is strong, sassy and holds her own despite being surrounded by (literally) alpha males.

I found the writing to be well-paced which allowed the story to be succinct while still covering a lot of ground. Briggs has managed to start the series off on a great foot in terms of shaping the world and characters who will continue their journey through later books.

People wary of urban fantasy due to the tendency to overplay the romantic aspect shouldn’t worry too much. Feelings and romance are involved, but they are not the be all and end all of the story.

Moon Called is a great start to a long-running urban fantasy series with a strong, likeable female lead, a wide range of supernatural creatures, an intriguing plot, and good writing. Well worth checking out if you’re a fan of the genre.

Состояние: Очень хорошее
  • Жёлтый
  • Синий

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