There’s no need to fear going functional! This friendly, lively, and engaging
guide is perfect for any perplexed programmer. It lays out the principles of
functional programming in a simple and concise way that will help you grok
what FP is really all about. \n \nIn Grokking Functional Programming you will
learn: \n \nDesigning with functions and types instead of objects
\nProgramming with pure functions and immutable values \nWriting concurrent
programs using the functional style \nTesting functional programs \nMultiple
learning approaches to help you grok each new concept \n \nIf you’ve ever
found yourself rolling your eyes at functional programming, this is the book
for you. Open up Grokking Functional Programming and you’ll find functional
ideas mapped onto what you already know as an object-oriented programmer. The
book focuses on practical aspects from page one. Hands-on examples apply
functional principles to everyday programming tasks like concurrency, error
handling, and improving readability. Plus, puzzles and exercises let you think
and practice what you're learning. You’ll soon reach an amazing “aha” moment
and start seeing code in a completely new way. \n \nAbout the technology
\nFinally, there’s an easy way to learn functional programming! This unique
book starts with the familiar ideas of OOP and introduces FP step-by-step
using relevant examples, engaging exercises, and lots of illustrations. You’ll
be amazed at how quickly you’ll start seeing software tasks from this valuable
new perspective. \n \nAbout the book \nGrokking Functional Programming
introduces functional programming to imperative developers. You’ll start with
small, comfortable coding tasks that expose basic concepts like writing pure
functions and working with immutable data. Along the way, you’ll learn how to
write code that eliminates common bugs caused by complex distributed state.
You’ll also explore the FP approach to IO, concurrency, and data streaming. By
the time you finish, you’ll be writing clean functional code that’s easy to
understand, test, and maintain. \n \nWhat's inside \n \nDesigning with
functions and types instead of objects \nProgramming with pure functions and
immutable values \nWriting concurrent programs using the functional style
\nTesting functional programs \n \nAbout the reader \nFor developers who know
an object-oriented language. Examples in Java and Scala. \n \nAbout the author
\nMichal Plachta is an experienced software developer who regularly speaks and
writes about creating maintainable applications.
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