Spot errors in your Go code you didn’t even know you were making and boost
your productivity by avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls. \n \n100 Go
Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to: \n \nDodge the most common
mistakes made by Go developers \nStructure and organize your Go application
\nHandle data and control structures efficiently \nDeal with errors in an
idiomatic manner \nImprove your concurrency skills \nOptimize your code \nMake
your application production-ready and improve testing quality \n \n100 Go
Mistakes and How to Avoid Them puts a spotlight on common errors in Go code
you might not even know you’re making. You’ll explore key areas of the
language such as concurrency, testing, data structures, and more—and learn how
to avoid and fix mistakes in your own projects. As you go, you’ll navigate the
tricky bits of handling JSON data and HTTP services, discover best practices
for Go code organization, and learn how to use slices efficiently. \n
\nPurchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub
formats from Manning Publications. \n \nAbout the technology \nUnderstanding
mistakes is the best way to improve the quality of your code. This unique book
examines 100 bugs and inefficiencies common to Go applications, along with
tips and techniques to avoid making them in your own projects. \n \nAbout the
book \n100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to replace common
programming problems in Go with idiomatic, expressive code. In it, you’ll
explore dozens of interesting examples and case studies as you learn to spot
mistakes that might appear in your own applications. Expert author Teiva
Harsanyi organizes the error avoidance techniques into convenient categories,
ranging from types and strings to concurrency and testing. \n \nWhat's inside
\n \nIdentify and squash code-level bugs \nAvoid problems with application
structure and design \nPerfect your data and control structures \nOptimize
your code by eliminating inefficiencies \n \nAbout the reader \nFor developers
proficient with Go programming and syntax. \n \nAbout the author \nTeiva
Harsanyi is a senior software engineer at Docker with experience in various
domains, including safety-critical industries like air traffic management.
Також купити книгу 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Teiva Harsanyi
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