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Programming for musicians and digital artists: creating music with chuck, ajay kapur,...

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Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists: Creating Music with ChucK

offers a complete introduction to programming in the open source music
language ChucK. In it, you'll learn the basics of digital sound creation and
manipulation while you discover the ChucK language. As you move example-by-
example through this easy-to-follow book, you'll create meaningful and
rewarding digital compositions and "instruments" that make sound and music in
direct response to program logic, scores, gestures, and other systems
connected via MIDI or the network.

About this Book

A digital musician must manipulate sound precisely. ChucK is an audio-centric
programming language that provides precise control over time, audio
computation, and user interface elements like track pads and joysticks.
Because it uses the vocabulary of sound, ChucK is easy to learn even for
artists with little or no exposure to computer programming.

Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists

offers a complete introduction to music programming. In it, you'll learn the
basics of digital sound manipulation while you learn to program using ChucK.
Example-by-example, you'll create meaningful digital compositions and
"instruments" that respond to program logic, scores, gestures, and other
systems connected via MIDI or the network. You'll also experience how ChucK
enables the on-the-fly musical improvisation practiced by communities of "live
music coders" around the world.

Written for readers familiar with the vocabulary of sound and music. No
experience with computer programming is required.

What's Inside

Learn ChucK and digital music creation side-by-side

Invent new sounds, instruments, and modes of performance

Written by the creators of the ChucK language

About the Authors

Perry Cook


Ajay Kapur


Spencer Salazar

, and

Ge Wang

are pioneers in the area of teaching and programming digital music. Ge is the
creator and chief architect of the ChucK language.

Table of Contents

Introduction: ChucK programming for artists


Basics: sound, waves, and ChucK programming

Libraries: ChucK's built-in tools

Arrays: arranging and accessing your compositional data

Sound files and sound manipulation

Functions: making your own tools


Unit generators: ChucK objects for sound synthesis and processing

Synthesis ToolKit instruments

Multithreading and concurrency: running many programs at once

Objects and classes: making your own ChucK power tools

Events: signaling between shreds and syncing to the outside world

Integrating with other systems via MIDI, OSC, serial, and more

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music with ChucK, Ajay Kapur, Perry R. Cook, Spencer Salazar, Ge Wang, more Ви
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