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Tom clancy the sum of all fears

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Виробник: Інший виробник
Тематика: Книги на іноземних мовах

Tom Clancy The sum of all fears
Tom Clancy (Author)
The old certainties of the Cold War have been swept away by the new tide of detente that has washed over the superpowers. But even if international superpower relations have changed, human nature has not altered very much. The new powder keg is the Middle East where this adventure story is set.
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins Publishers Ltd (1 July 1991)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 640 pages
Tom Clancy is America's, and the world's, favorite international thriller author. Starting with THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, all thirteen of his previous books have hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. His books, THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, PATRIOT GAMES, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER and THE SUM OF ALL FEARS have been made into major motion pictures. He lived in Maryland where he was a co-owner of the Baltimore Orioles.

In the prime of his literary career ('89-'96) Tom Clancy produced 'Clear and Present Danger', 'The Sum of All Fears', Without Remorse', 'Debt of Honour' and 'Executive Orders'. Although CaPD is my all time favourite Clancy this novel drives it hard.
As others have mentioned, this book builds up the characters and sub plots over about 600 pages so you need to be patient and appreciate what Clancy is trying to do because the payoff is just spectacular.
Any author who can write a whole, riveting chapter on the milliseconds after the detonation of a nuclear device (called 'The Physics Package') is just sublime.
This is a complex but deeply satisfying novel.
The Sum of All Fears is a political thriller novel, written by Tom Clancy and released on August 14, 1991. Serving as the sequel to Clear and Present Danger (1989), main character Jack Ryan, who is now the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, tries to stop a crisis concerning the Middle East peace process where Palestinian and former East German terrorists conspire to bring the United States and Soviet Union into nuclear war. It debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list.[1] A film adaptation, which is a reboot of the Jack Ryan film series and starring Ben Affleck as the younger iteration of the CIA analyst, was released on May 31, 2002.

«Все страхи мира» (англ. The Sum of All Fears, «Сумма всех страхов») — роман Тома Клэнси, относящийся к серии романов о Джеке Райане. Занял второе место в списке бестселлеров по версии Publishers Weekly за 1991 год.
Четвёртый экранизированный роман из серии.
Peace may finally be at hand in the Middle East -- as Jack Ryan lays the groundwork for a plan that could end centuries of conflict. But ruthless terrorists have a final, desperate card to play; with one terrible act, distrust mounts, forces collide, and the floundering U.S. president seems unable to cope with the crisis.

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